Thursday, June 26, 2008


merriam- webster:

Hi. a. tus

Function: noun

1 a: a break in or as if in a material object : gap b: a gap or passage in an anatomical part or organ

2 a: an interruption in time or continuity : break; especially : a period when something (as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted b: the occurrence of two vowel sounds without pause or intervening consonantal sound

ok personally i didnt noe the last definition. yea tts pretty cool. new things to learn everyday... speaking of vowel sounds and consonantal sounds... today was the last of the first CTs we all had to take. and it was lit... and there was poetry analysis. and i wld hv liked more time... haha i chose a question tt asked for examples of "lyricism" and "sensuousness" (among other things) in Wilfred Owen's poetry. ah well.

so anyway, after one and a half months, im back to "blogging". cos in all senses of the meme, this aint much of a blog. anw its not like i didnt think about ANYTHING at all during the june hols, its jus tt i didnt want to think too hard. but still i  wasted pretty much of my time away in front of this screen. and didnt relli study... so i can safely say tt im not rdy for the new term ><

tt aside i suppose now i'll try to think abt the rationale behind going to sch. its prob gonna be the most practical and relevant issue i have and will be addressing... tho its also pretty late and its not tt interesting a topic so i prob wont be doing it justice.

y go to sch? well, before the plague of public (read: compulsory) education forever doomed young lives as we know it today, only rich kids used to hv any kind of education. and they were home schooled. did they necessarily turn out any better than those who did not? no, not relli, we're all aware of the geniuses tt failed sch and later went on to invent the lightbulb. or calculus. or the theory of relativity. or wdv. and i tink the point is tt u go to sch for an education. of course, this education is structured and catered to a large target group. how do u make sure it suits everyone's needs? well frankly, u can try to "stream" ppl, but u'll be called elitist. u can teach according to the "weakest" student, but then the more capable ones will not be challenged. the other way round, and the less capable ones fall behind. it seems that no matter which way u choose, "schooling" as we know it today, is doing huge injustices to just about every young life in developed countries. this is not so much to say tt ppl without schooling r better off, just tt even ppl gg to sch rnt relli making the (arguably) best use of their time. 

oft asked is also the question of whether wat taught in sch is relevant to life. after all, ppl consume education in the hopes tt it will get them better jobs in the market economy as we know it today. knowledge has been and is, and probably will always be the currency of this digital and information- technology dominated age. so by extension, the more u hv of it, the better off u r. well, yes, but schooling is more of a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of business. the justification for learning so many different disciplines is tt someone has to expose u to all of them b4 u can make a rational decision as to which area of study u wish to specialize in. and of course if everyone just started taking and dropping courses, then the whole system wld fall to pieces. so sadly (i tink) it goes back and compounds the fact that sch wastes time. 

aside from this somewhat asinine argument, theres the rather more practical conclusion that, if sch relli is such a waste, y pay so much for it? education goes up, and it is highly likely that there is an increasing marginal cost for "useful" knowledge u acquire in sch. and financial burden aside, theres also emotional trauma and all in a highly competitive environment. heh.

so wat is gd abt sch. well the bright side of the coin is tt u prob learn more than if u sat arnd at home idling. and well, it prob costs less than u hire u a private tutor. and i guess theres the whole "microcosm of society" argument - that going to sch is gd for ur social development and all. tho obviously, this is only true to some extent as different schs hv different cultures, and in the world, ur not gonna meet everyone frm the same sch as u. er. 

frankly i envy the ppl who r "2 cool for skool" abit. at least the ones who hv sum purpose and direction. in all fairness i tink everyone'd get more things done out of sch. but of course, everything is not equal, as i've clearly demonstrated to myself tt, out of sch, u jus dun wanna study much. or at least study examinable subjects... >< 

ok this has been a rather uninspired and insipid post, and i relli do blame it on not thinking critically at all for some time, and the fact tt i pretty much drained wdv brain juice i had left on the tests (which i didnt study for) recently.. so yea. mebbe next time will find me more intelligent. anw, i do believe tt thinking is gd, and more thinking is better, and u cant relli think too much. so yea (Y)