Sunday, March 23, 2008


hm. i always find tt a good way to start smth is to lay down an agenda. well tt and to question the whole purpose of doing said act. so obviously, this begs the question of why i am blogging. well heres some background first. i first made a blog in sec1. it died. i made another one in sec4. and here it is. revived after a 9 mth coma o.0. heh ok.

so... blogging.. well sum1 once told me that blogging is a stupid thing, cos u'r putting ur life up on the web for ppl to um. read abt. as wilde puts it "something sensational", tho he was referring to a diary, and not this frankenstein of the 21st century that we know as a weBLOG. well i tink if u take it tt way, blogging is jus blurring the line between the individual and the community, where the walls between private and public life are somewhat broken down. well ok ima bit tired so im not gonna write too much. well anw, there is a need for disclosure in this type of enterprise. and this goes hand in hand wif the fact that there is alr a target audience. i mean, u make a blog and keep it updated cos u noe/want a readership. its kinda vain relli. mebbe blogging is actually sum act of self deception as to ur whole self worth. gasp. and i guess another reason for blogging is simply tt u need a medium to air ur views. and u feel somewhat justified in sharing em wif the whole wide world that is the world wide web. wow.

well on my part, i guess there r many reasons for me wanting to blog again. firstly is tt i've always wanted to write stuff, like essays, jus for fun. and typing is a whole lot easier than writing. and i figure putting it on a blog is useful as i'll prob get some criticism. secondly, putting ur thots online is useful to some extent, i guess, so all the kaypoh individuals who google ur name can find what they're looking for: information on/of/abt u. me. but it'd be hubris if i said tt i knew i was gonna hv a viewership anw, so i might as well write. lol. and lastly i guess, there is smth cathartic in the whole experience abt writing yet another chapter in ur
ife story online for ppl to read (note wilde). and its also a gd way to organize/ synthesize ur thots.

well ok so tt done, heres the agenda. ima use this blog to write as alr mentioned, essays. i figure ima use it as some funny pages 2 at times (yea bet u didnt think tt was possible). and lastly i guess i'll share the especially interesting bits of my life. but obviously not evrything, cos tts wat a diary's for and this is a blog. i guess i might as well tell myself and the whole world now tt it dun matter if theres an audience anot cos i suppose the raison d'etre of this whole enterprise is constituted arnd the axiom that im wholely and solely interested in intellectual pursuit and not a frivolous cross examination of my life. tt said, beware the emo post(s). and ho hum. heres looking forward to, if anyth, an online legacy. lol. and oh how cheesy this feels.

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