Thursday, May 01, 2008

innocence and experience

i tink one of my teachers once told me that innocence is lost with experience. i guess that makes sense. i mean innocence is freedom from guilt (or sin, wdv u take tt to mean), or simply ignorance (in the neutral sense). and well the only way u get rid of either is through sense experience.

building on that thought, ive kinda wondered if its only um. logical. and efficient, if u can somehow organize ur experiences such that u lose ur 
innocence little by little. ok for example, if u read a kiddy bk now tt u didnt 
read when u were young, u'd probably find it relli stupid, cos obviously ur experiencing it against the uh.. template? that is ur life so far. and obviously u've grown alot since u were a kid. however, this cld be some great kiddy bk, but u'll nvr fully experience it for all its greatness, because u've lost that kiddy innocence. ok in context, lets say u R still a kid, and u hv the option of reading 2 equally gd bks tailored for u, however, they hv a content tt reveals new things abt life. ok u can only choose to read one, knowing tt when u read either one first, the second isnt gonna make tt big an
impact on u cos the first one has revealed the same thing tt was new to u then, but not anymore?

expanding on the idea tt u'r shortchanging urself if u deny urself like... experiences suited for ur age right now (like b4 u "outgrow" em later), is the converse. what happens if ur not rdy for smth, but u force it (or in most cases hv it inadvertantly fed) on urself? in one sense, this is "maturity", but i tink its also kinda sad when u see someone "grown up beyond his/her years". then again, there are those tt can go through life, as Wilde puts it, "unspotted by the world". once again, the two r mutually exclusive. and here u cant hv both worlds; but the question is, is there relli a balance?

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