Tuesday, April 15, 2008


hm im sick (again). perhaps i'll jus take this chance to reflect on how relevant it is to postulate that ur physical state relli does hv anyth to do wif ur mental/spiritual/ non- physical... self. uh. it seems intuitive that it would.. somehow. and vice- versa actually. but yea i didnt do any experiments. hm. so i'll jus somehow draw a link to the theory of four humours and... mebbe bloodletting!. which in this day and age would = emo-ness. mm well actually there was gonna be more to this... basically all these
measures are taken to (once again) revert back to an optimal equilibrium, a harmony of elements, which is in itself short of um.. perfection? well its got to do with aristotle's state of being and becoming... or perhaps even Plotinus who seems to be kinda more relaxed
in the whole aspiring for "perfection" - "One-ness".. thing. so in a nutshell there is an ideal, we shld all aim for this ideal, and if we fail in ultimately recreating/acheiving symmetry, balance, harmony, whatnot we... fall sick?!
heh it wasnt/doesnt relli make sense, but then again.. i uh, claim physical illness for the lack of coherence, make what sense of it as you will. =)

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