Wednesday, July 02, 2008

hedgehog's dilemma

well u might hv heard of this, but theres this snazzy analogy called the hedgehog's dilemma, or porcupine's dilemma. of course, wikipedia will provide a much more comprehensive description of just what this is, but, hey, i'll jus provide some cursory information.

i suppose everyone noes wat hedgehogs r. they r pigs u find in bushes. or those things that stay in ur hedge all day long and wun get out. uh. ok this is jus being stupid. hedgehogs or porcupines r those little rodent- like things tt hv spines on their backs. kinda like quillboars in the warcraft universe. or like sea urchins. and come to think of it, street urchins r kinda spiky and all. like their hair, or their knives when they stick u up... uh no i jest. 

so anyway, hedgehogs hv quills/spines for self- defence. and this proposition is that it also prevents them from getting close to one another. which is completely ridiculous seeing as they dun reproduce asexually. 

in any case, it is quite an interesting scenario. taking it for what its meant to imply, it suggests tt people (well obviously, who's seriously interested in hedgehogs anw?) dun get too close to each other cos they're scared of hurting each other. evangelion kinda explored this idea. in fact, its the name of one of the episodes. hm.

i guess this is based on the assumption tt our model hedgehogs want to get close to each other in the first place. and by extension i guess it also means tt this is so important tt they'll withstand the pain of being arnd each other. now, why wld anyone wanna do that? and this is the explanation for isolationism and basically emo-ing at home. 

well, wow. a dilemma. dun u jus hate it when things turn out like this? ur damned either way. the saying goes, choose the lesser of 2 evils. uh well, i wonder what that would be here. 

just another example of how we all suffer from existential dread, and since we're all gonna die someday anyway, who cares =)

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