Sunday, July 27, 2008


heh i find it interesting that as far as intellectual pursuit goes, ideas i form independently of any living breathing human being telling me what to think gets confirmed by just that. that is to say: the unexpected confirmation of my own little thoughts that i mull over now and then in school.

the first example wld be smth abt solipsism. well simply put, its an idea tt kinda extends "cogito ergo sum". i think therefore i am. but what can i be sure of sensory experience about the world around me? and by extension, if i am the only thing that i can be sure of, then greatest utility for me wld be to do selfish things tt benefit only me. heh. then arises the question tt if i sumhow find helping others to be the best thing to benefit myself, what then? lol. well ok. cool. well i guess resorting to pragmatism, it doesnt relli matter even if everything around u is mist and shadows. i mean if u can see shapes in the fog and interact wif em, it doesnt matter if they're relli non- existent or anything right? when it comes down to it, so long as u can get utility, sure anythings fine. heh.

well then theres "translation is betrayal". haha my thoughts exactly, but the elaboration was abit too hardlined for me =/. guess it looks like i hv to learn some new languages. but the point here is that i wasnt looking for confirmation of my views (considering my random thoughts r kinda random and dun usually find themselves into the classroom), and yet somehow they found me. hm.

ah the biggest one might probably the concept of binary. well we did this in lit, tt instead of opposition, there r these binary pairs. not necessarily diametrically opposite, but still contrasting with regard to each other. and in every piece of literature u can see binaries. hm yea i mean, parellelism, thesis and antithesis, these are essentially pairs striking off against each other for a revealing effect. well i guess its a confirmation in a way that u can look at the world in terms of ones and zeroes, on's and off's, light and dark, hot and cold, alpha and omega, etcwdv. now i wonder if the universal theory tt scientists are looking for shld not be expressed in words but in numbers. now tt wld be interesting. oh yea sum stuff abt math as a universal language also came up in a convo in sch. mm. 

i think its relli great tt such ideas manage to find themselves into what i see as a meshing web of thoughts and ideas. well i did see somewhere tt ur brain apparently makes another furrow (knot? convolution?) when u make a connection. so i guess the conceit is pretty accurate. hm joy.

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